Complete the tutorial.
Play a 12-player free-for-all skirmish match.
Have a battleship with less than 5% HP and full shields.
Win a skirmish match alone against a team of 3 enemy players.
Reach tech level 3 before any other player in a skirmish match.
Destroy every enemy unit in a skirmish match.
Win a skirmish match after losing an allied player.
Win a skirmish match.
Destroy 500 enemy fighters in a match.
Lose a skirmish match after defeating an enemy player.
Build the maximum number of defense turrets in a match.
Have a fleet of at least 20 capital ships, upgraded with class D turrets.
Start a skirmish match.
Defeat an enemy player who has not reached tech level 4.
Have a fleet of 30 or more missile corvettes.
Destroy 3 enemy units with a single Class A Small Fighter.
Destroy a capital shipyard right before it produces a ship.
Build enough resource collectors to reach all unit limits.
Destroy 50 enemy buildings with anti-ship turrets in a single match.
Witness the destruction of a fully upgraded Gigantic Battlestation.