• 寻宝之旅 | Treasure Hunt

    在公馆找到隐藏的宝物. | Find hidden treasures in the mansion.

  • 治疗时间 | Treatment Time

    在医院的治疗椅上强化自己. | Strengthen yourself in the hospital treatment chair.

  • 旱地行舟 | Dry Land Boating

    在教堂前院帮助男人找到独木舟. | Help the man find the boat in the church forecourt.

  • 2024年1月30日 | JAN 30,2024

    无穷的远方,无数的人们,都和我有关. (永远铭记贵州消防栓事件) | The infinite distance and countless people are all matters to me. (Fire hydrant incident in Guizhou, China will always be remembered.)

  • 丧钟为谁鸣 | For Whom The Bell Tolls

    完成故事模式. | Complete story mode.

  • 不要在车上睡觉 | Do Not Sleep In Car

    在小镇的街道附近解救困在车中的人. | Rescue people trapped in cars near the streets of town.

  • 为母报仇 | That's For My Mom

    最终决战时,使用刻有“复仇”字样的左轮手枪. | In the final battle, use a revolver with the word "Revenge" engraved on it.

  • 举手之劳 | A Little Effort

    解救下水道里的受害者. | Rescue victims in sewers.

  • 矿洞工人 | Mine Worker

    抵达矿洞里的秘密区域. | Reach the secret area in the mine.

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