A match game highscore!
Completed match game without dying!
5000 stones smashed!
Collected every note!
2500 walls cut through!
Classic maze game completed!
1000 walls cut through!
Ten blocks matched!
1000 walls destroyed!
Exterminated three enemies at a time!
Completed match game without saving!
1000 enemies struck down!
2500 enemies neutralized!
500 enemies sacrificed!
A maze game highscore!
A space game highscore!
A ninja game highscore!
First place in the match game!
1000 stones smashed!
1000 enemies eliminated!
Completed ninja game without saving!
10000 walls destroyed!
Neutralized five enemies at a time!
500 enemies neutralized!
2500 asteroids destroyed!
5000 enemies eliminated!
5000 enemies neutralized!
500 enemies eliminated!
Remained still for two minutes!
Reached stage 40 in the maze game!
2500 walls destroyed!
2500 stones smashed!
Reached stage 40 in the space game!
2500 enemies sacrificed!
5000 asteroids destroyed!
First place in the maze game!
10000 asteroids destroyed!
Five enemies crushed at a time!
Eliminated five enemies at a time!
5000 enemies sacrificed!
Reached stage 40 in the match game!
Classic match game completed!
2500 enemies eliminated!
10000 stones smashed!
5000 enemies struck down!
Took no damage throughout four levels!
First place in the space game!
2500 enemies struck down!
10000 walls cut through!
Reached stage 40 in the ninja game!
5000 walls cut through!
Completed maze game without dying!
Classic space game completed!
First place in the ninja game!
Completed maze game without saving!
Classic ninja game completed!
5000 walls destroyed!
1000 enemies sacrificed!
Completed space game without saving!
1000 asteroids destroyed!
500 enemies struck down!
Completed space game without dying!
Completed ninja game without dying!
1000 enemies neutralized!