Loot a blue diamond.
Upgrade an item or ability to level 25.
Successfully counter an enemy's spell.
Discover all of the points of interest in the Forest.
Discover all of the points of interest in the world.
Beat the game.
Complete all quests with a single character.
Beat the game with three different classes.
Reach level 20 without dying.
Defeat the Unearthed Behemoth.
Discover all of the points of interest in the Plains.
Equip level 25 armor pieces in every slot, and at least one level 25 weapon.
Kill your first boss enemy.
Kill your first epic boss enemy.
Equip an epic item.
Discover all of the points of interest in the Desert.
Complete 50 quests with a single character.
Discover 40 unique abilities on a single character.
Equip a legendary item.
Reach level 20 with a character.
Defeat Cave Leader Benedict within 3 minutes of starting a new game.