About Love, Hate And The Other Ones 2

  • Let It Rain

    Let 10 OTHER ONES fall of the screen

  • Medium Rich

    Collect 50 coins

  • Good Thinker

    Complete 10 Stages without using undo

  • Goldrush

    Collect 100 coins

  • Full Of Hate

    Excessive talking with HATE

  • Advanced Thinker

    Complete 20 Stages without using undo

  • Words Of Love

    Talk with LOVE

  • First Angry Words

    Talk with HATE

  • Let Them Fall

    Let 5 OTHER ONES fall off the screen

  • Better Than Nothing

    Collect 10 coins

  • Full Of Love

    Excessive talking with LOVE

  • King Of The Hill

    Solve all levels of the world "Floating Hills"

  • Astronaut

    Solve all levels of the world "Far Away"

  • Professor

    Complete 30 Stages without using undo

  • The Unknown Gods

    Solve all levels of the world "The Unknown Gods"

  • Easy Lines

    Solve all levels of the world "A Day In The City"

  • Just Learned To Read

    Solve all levels of the world "Unread Books"

  • A Perfect Walk

    Solve all levels of the world "A Perfect Walk"

  • Good Old Times

    Solve all levels of the world "Green & Blocky"

  • TitleTypeRelease date