You reached level 5 - Thats a good starting point!
You placed 50 buildings, getting used to it already?
Enhance a building until level 25.
Level 15 - congratulations!
Have one billion crystals. Where you gonna spend them?
The first 50 zombies are the hardest.
Time can be pretty short, not? You already played 15 minutes.
You placed your first 5 buildings - Great!
You made it to day 5 - not bad for a start!
Enhance a building until level 75.
Have 10.000 crystals in your crystal storage.
Day 200 - Time for a break!
3500 Zombies so far. And there are more!
Kill 500 Zombies to unlock - not even hard?
Day 100 - You defeated all zombies! Just kidding.
15,000 Zombies - how many are there?
Reach day 40 with no walls placed.
Played for 1 hour.
Enhance a building until level 125.
Have 10 solarpanels placed while playing on the desert map.
So far you wasted 5 hours of your time. Congrats!
3,500 Buildings placed - wooha!
Congratulations, you spent a whole day playing You could have been so productive!
Level 75, no one can beat you ... wait, what?
Have one million crystals in your crystal storage.
Granted after you placed your 500th building.
Reach day 20 to unlock - This should be pretty doable.
Reach day 30 while only using cannons as a defensive tower.
Enhance a building until level 100.
Level 25 - yay!
Have 10 signal repeaters in one game.
Place at least one of every building in a single game.
Enhance a building until level 50.
It's been a long way, but finally you are here - Level 50!
Have all other achievements unlocked. Wow!
Damn, that's a lot! You are hurting them!
Day 300 - really, you should see a doctor!
After you placed your 10,000th building, it's safe to say you know what you are doing.
Have a building on every tile in the ice map.