Pay 50 Denari for a shoppe purchase.
Here's the W you've been looking for.
Discover an event with an illuminated letter F.
Win a battle!
You got a snek on your keyboard!
Discover an event with an illuminated letter A.
I promise there is an event with this letter.
Roll Fate Dice and win!
Win a campaign battle without losing anyone.
Win a campaign battle without charging.
This evening sponsored by the letter M.
Open the cheat console.
Discover an event with an illuminated letter N.
Gather 5 birds.
Accumulate 100 coins.
Discover an event with an illuminated letter E.
Intercept a charging enemy with your own charge.
Discover an event with an illuminated letter L.
Spend 50 food on a single Quest.
I forgot I exists.
Lose an entire unit to desertion
P as in... multi-pronged assault.
Lose all Fate Dice.
Get a Gold medal in a Campaign or Expedition.
Discover an event with an illuminated letter K.
Yes, I had to do this manually...
Win 10 battles.
Accumulate 100 food.
No, you!
Get a Diamond medal in a Campaign or Expedition.
Burn 30 objects in a single battle.
Probably the most common illuminated letter. Good job.
Spend 6 fish in a single battle.
Win a campaign battle using only 1 type of unit.
Lose the tutorial battle.
Complete all endings in a campaign.
Win a campaign battle without using messengers.
Accumulate 6 fish!
Win a campaign battle using only ranged units.
Discover an event with an illuminated letter C.
You know the drill by know...
Win 100 battles.
Who stabbed Mr O?
Discover an event with an illuminated letter D.
Start a battle with 1 Morale... and WIN!
Discover an event with an illuminated letter B.
If you find this letter...Don't know what to say. Ictory?
Does Mr X deliver on Sunday?
Thank you sweet baby Jesus, I'm finally done!
Defeat 4 enemies with a single unit.
Get a Ruby medal in a Campaign or Expedition.
What did O say when it met H. Oh. Thank you, I'll be here all night!
Discover an event with an illuminated letter J.
Get a Good Ending without any desertions.
Lose a campaign battle without defeating a single enemy unit.
Oy that's my letter!
Defeat the enemy army with a Panic.
Win the Daily Arena on Mild difficulty.
Complete an Expedition.
Win the Daily Arena on Spicy difficulty.
Complete your career in Expedition mode.