壓垮N層樓Crush countless objects
就像征服人心一樣簡單It's as simple as conquering people's hearts
感覺很純潔Feel so pure
離征服宇宙越來越近囉Getting closer and closer to conquering the universe
純潔的叫聲Pure sounds
傳說中,賣菜可以賣到選總統If continue to sell vegetables, there is hope that can elect the president
祝福他們Bless them
以全新的樣貌出發Start with a new look
神社的未來將寄託在這位少女身上The future of the shrine will be pinned on this girl
榨甘蔗囉Squeezed sugarcane
似乎是一位不簡單的人物Seems to be a pretty powerful character
為什麼要霸凌我...Why bully me...
掌管這世界的君王The lord in charge of this world
跟某人一樣有自信!Be as confident as someone!
想變的跟辣個男人一樣快Want to be as fast as that man
嗨起來!All party!
我們約定好囉...ZZZ We made a promise...ZZZ
呼叫FBI !Call the FBI!
彷彿來到另一個時空As if coming to another time and space
看了真過癮Really enjoyable
摸豆哀呀哭!Need to be faster!
可以搭配滷肉飯一起吃喲Can be eaten with braised pork rice
對某些人來說是毒氣To some people it is poisonous gas
大家都跟隨禿子的腳步Everyone follows in the footsteps of Bald
口號喊起來!Shout the slogan!
別逼人家食Don't force me to eat
真的想念你們Really miss you guys
使用公權力就是爽啦It's cool to use authority
有人陪著真的很美好It's really nice to be with someone
期待你們回來的那一天Looking forward to the day you come back
滷肉飯配榴槤蹦出新滋味Braised pork rice with durian, a new taste
離遠一點好了...Stay away from this place...
不管遇到啥事...先上場外發文再說!No matter what happens...go to Baha QK forum first!
熟悉又溫暖的家Familiar and warm home
偉大、立志、善良的哥哥...Great, determined, kind brother...
兩位神社之主Two shrine masters