Construct a Builder's Yard
Upgrade a Builder's Yard to Crafter
Upgrade a Builder's Yard to Artisan
Complete the Farming Tutorial
Construct a Stonemason's Cabin
Have an adult population of 48 Meeps
Upgrade a Lookout Tower to Crafter
Construct a Woodcutter's Cabin
Construct a Wanderer's Cabin
Have a child population of 7 Meeps
Have an Apprentice, Crafter and Artisan Farm in the same Realm
Construct a Leisure Hub
Upgrade a Tinkerer's Workshop to Artisan
Construct a Farm
Switch on "De Chelonian Mobile" mode in a game
Obtain a score of at least 1,000 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Elder difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 1,750 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 2,000 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Adult difficulty
Construct a Tavern
Have an Apprentice, Crafter and Artisan Lookout Tower in the same Realm
Have an Apprentice, Crafter and Artisan Builder's Yard in the same Realm
Upgrade a Wanderer's Cabin to Artisan
Obtain a score of at least 1,400 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Elder difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 70 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Egg difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 75 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 2,100 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Egg difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 1,500 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Have an Apprentice, Crafter and Artisan Woodcutter's Cabin in the same Realm
Obtain a score of at least 60 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Egg difficulty
Upgrade a Woodcutter's Cabin to Crafter
Have an adult population of 72 Meeps
Have an Apprentice, Crafter and Artisan Alchemist's Workshop in the same Realm
Obtain a score of at least 2,400 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Egg difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 50 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Upgrade an Alchemist's Workshop to Artisan
Obtain a score of at least 55 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 65 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 1,800 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Elder difficulty
Construct a Stone Monument
Obtain a score of at least 2,000 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Have a child population of 5 Meeps
Obtain a score of at least 40 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Elder difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 60 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 50 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Elder difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 60 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Elder difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 170 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Egg difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 1,400 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Adult difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 5,500 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Egg difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 195 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Have an Apprentice, Crafter and Artisan Tinkerer's Workshop in the same Realm
Obtain a score of at least 1,800 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Egg difficulty
Upgrade a Farm to Crafter
Obtain a score of at least 110 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Elder difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 130 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Elder difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 140 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 160 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 145 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Adult difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 1,700 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Adult difficulty
Upgrade a Fishmonger's Hut to Crafter
Obtain a score of at least 180 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 210 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Egg difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 125 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Adult difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 70 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Construct a Clay Monument
Obtain a score of at least 190 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Egg difficulty
Construct three Helicopters in one Realm
Obtain a score of at least 1,600 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 6,000 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Egg difficulty
Upgrade an Alchemist's Workshop to Crafter
Obtain a score of at least 165 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Adult difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 6,500 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Egg difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 5,750 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Adult difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 2,000 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 6,000 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 5,250 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 45 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Adult difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 4,500 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Elder difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 4,750 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Adult difficulty
Upgrade a Tinkerer's Workshop to Crafter
Obtain a score of at least 6,250 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Upgrade a Lookout Tower to Artisan
Obtain a score of at least 5,750 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 150 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Elder difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 1,800 in the "Wood and Stone Hog" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 5,000 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 5,500 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Juvenile difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 155 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 5,000 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Elder difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 80 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Egg difficulty
Obtain a score of at least 5,500 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Elder difficulty
Construct Dwellings
Upgrade a Fishmonger's Hut to Artisan
Have an Apprentice, Crafter and Artisan Fishmonger's Hut in the same Realm
Obtain a score of at least 65 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Adult difficulty
Upgrade a Woodcutter's Cabin to Artisan
Construct a Water Way
Have an Apprentice, Crafter and Artisan Wanderer's Cabin in the same Realm
Have a child population of 3 Meeps
Construct a Helicopter
Obtain a score of at least 55 in the "Unite the Tribes" challenge on Adult difficulty
Construct an Alchemist's Workshop
Upgrade a Wanderer's Cabin to Crafter
Have an Apprentice, Crafter and Artisan Stonemason's Cabin in the same Realm
Construct a Lookout Tower
Complete the Combined Tutorial
Upgrade a Farm to Artisan
Obtain a score of at least 5,250 in the "Feeding the World" challenge on Adult difficulty
Upgrade a Stonemason's Cabin to Artisan
Construct Wooden, Stone and Clay Monuments in the same Realm
Construct a Wooden Monument
Construct a Alchemist's Workshop
Complete the Research Tutorial
Have an adult population of 24 Meeps
Construct a Catapult
Obtain a score of at least 175 in the "Ruthless Efficiency" challenge on Hatchling difficulty
Construct a Research Hub
Construct a Fishmonger's Hut
Construct a Kennel
Complete the Resource Tutorial
Upgrade a Stonemason's Cabin to Crafter