Complete all levels in world V.
Finish your first rotation level.
Complete all levels in world I.
Complete all levels in world III.
Complete all levels in world II.
Reach the non reachable room.
Die after the other player has already finished the level.
Complete a level without stopping to rotate the dimension rift.
Gain a silver medal or better in all singleplayer challenges.
Gain a bronze medal or better in all singleplayer challenges.
Gain a gold medal in all singleplayer challenges.
Activate a lever for the first time.
Complete all coop levels.
Activate a lever 20 times within a short time.
Defeat your first spike ball.
Unlock all other achievements.
Complete your first coop level.
Find and collect 50% of all monsters in the singleplayer campaign.
Complete all levels in world VI.
Complete all levels in world IV.
Find and collect all monsters in the singleplayer campaign.
Idle for 1 minute.
Enter your first portal.