Reycho's hidden abilities awakened
Cleared the first stage
Cleared the Kagoshima Area
Cleared all stages in the undersea theme park
Mowchan's hidden abilities awakened
Cleared Oita Area
Cleared all the stages in the Pochi chapter
Nyoro's hidden abilities awakened
Cleared Hyogo Area
Tattsun's hidden abilities awakened
Cleared Nara Area
Chuko's hidden abilities awakened
Nyoro invented 30 times
Cleared Mie/Aichi Area
Cleared Osaka Area
Cleared the school stages in the Tokyo Area
Cleared the panopticon stages in the Tokyo Area
Cleared the desert stages in the Tokyo Area
Cleared Gifu/Nagano Area
Cleared Fukuoka/Yamaguchi/Hiroshima Area
Experienced the true ending
Kansai swung 100 times
Mowchan hardened 50 times.
Collected all the stickers
Reycho threw 100 times
Pai's hidden abilities awakened
Jennu stuck on the ceiling 50 times
Tattsun transformed into Electro Ranger 30 times
Kansai's hidden abilities awakened
Jennu's hidden abilities awakened
Aniki's hidden abilities awakened
Pai used a force field 100 times
Chuko ate 50 bags of Karamucho
Cleared all stages in the Reycho chapter
Cleared Aichi Area
Aniki shook the ground 20 times
Saw Ending 1
Cleared Kyoto Area
Cleared the HEAVEN Area
Saw Ending 2