• Supernatural Sleuth

    Solve a mundane whodunnit via magical means.

  • Ouija? I Hardly Know Ye

    What fearful message does the accursed instrument have for you?

  • Hexbreaker

    Lift a spell at the teahouse.

  • Invisible College

    Join a secret society.

  • Well-Rounded

    Excel in all four tracks of Magical Studies.

  • Welcome to the Department of Foreshadowing

    Divination can be accurate, timely, and coherent, but never all at once.

  • Semibarbarous Zone

    Learn a thing or two from a hidden librarian.

  • Felix Lupercalia

    See the whole Lupercalia parade.

  • Lethe

    Ameles potamos.

  • Mob Mentality

    Invest in the family business.

  • Thrice Happy State

    You've reached one end, my friend, but there are others to be had. Collect 'em all!

  • Thaumaturge

    Excel in thaumaturgy.

  • Spirit Communicator

    Excel in spirit contact.

  • To Reflection's Eye

    You've reached one end, my friend, but there are others to be had. Collect 'em all!

  • Lost and Found


  • Cause of Death


  • Not a Scarecrow

    Meet the only other person in this world.

  • Amuse-gueule

    Oh no.

  • Academic Programming

    Attend an academic presentation outside of school!?

  • He Used to Be a Bird, You Know

    Look at him peacocking all over that stage.

  • Songstruck

    See Qarnaim live, never recover.

  • A Ghost in the Wings

    Catch a glimpse between the lines, between the letters.

  • Wildcrafter

    Excel in wildcraft.

  • MGMT

    How high can you rise in the ranks at Of Tempests & Teapots? (Do you want to?)

  • Bought


  • With Departing Light

    You've reached one end, my friend, but there are others to be had. Collect 'em all!

  • Fuhgeddaboudit

    Successfully thwart Luka's plans.

  • Popularity Contestant

    Maintain a great relationship with all of your peers.

  • Riveder le Stelle

    Escape the liminalia of Larkspur.

  • Win at Adulting

    Be a fiscally responsible grownup capable of financing all of your summer expenses unaided.

  • In Endless Hymns

    You've reached one end, my friend, but there are others to be had. Collect 'em all!

  • Library Defender

    Ensure the timely return of library materials.

  • A Gentler Chain

    You've reached one end, my friend, but there are others to be had. Collect 'em all!

  • High Magician

    Excel in high magic.

  • In Mute Devotion

    You've reached one end, my friend, but there are others to be had. Collect 'em all!

  • Get Out of Jail Free

    Breathe free air again.

  • A Just Return

    You've reached one end, my friend, but there are others to be had. Collect 'em all!

  • They're Good for Your Heart

    Why does your family stock so many beans?

  • Drifting and Walls Keep Shifting

    Make your way through a mirror maze.

  • Completionist

    Reach every ending of Witchcraft U.!

  • ἐξορκισμός


  • Persona Non Grata

    Get blacklisted from working downtown.

  • Soft Falls the Veil

    You've reached one end, my friend, but there are others to be had. Collect 'em all!

  • True Name

    Learn "Virgil"'s real name.

  • Charmed, I'm Sure

    Relax. Everything is perfectly A-OK.

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