Obtain all conversations.
Open the gateway to Mount Celestia!
Kill a gold monster.
Beat the game
Reveal all the map
Find a feather
Defeat Autumn
Solve the Sphinx' (real) riddles!
Rescue all princesses, free all towns, and obtain all jewels.
Complete Boss Rush in under 6 min
Obtain all Hearts for Violet and Azure
Defeat Winter
Sample every kind of sushi in the world.
Defeat all bosses in Boss Rush.
Beat the game in newgame plus!
See all the cinematics with Death.
Die to the first Sphinx's riddles
Collect all paintings
Collect all Golden Monsters
Get all conversations for pestering every princess in the game
Obtain all conversations, all hearts, and all feathers. Then beat the game!
Push a bound enemy to her death
Defeat Spring
Collect all feathers.
Defeat the Eclipse
Defeat Summer