Silverrings to exterminate: 200
Silverrings to exterminate: 500
Bombermeows to exterminate: 50
Silverrings to exterminate: 50
Big Angerrings/Devirrings to exterminate: 1
Rockies to exterminate: 100
Darth Meowers to exterminate: 1 (Appears In Difficulty III, the Ancient Fields)
Silverrings to exterminate: 1000
Times to kick the bucket: 1
Clear Difficulty I 1 time
Nameless Hero (Time Traveler) to vanquish: 1 (Appears In Difficulty I, II, III)
Synergies to unlock: 1
Purrates to exterminate: 100
Silverrings to exterminate: 3000
Purrings to exterminate: 500
Bombermeows to exterminate: 100
Big Rockies to exterminate:1
Nappy Tomcats to exterminate: 500
Purrurrings to exterminate: 200
Big Purrings to exterminate: 1
Big Purrurrings to exterminate: 1
Big Angerrings/Devirrings to exterminate: 5
T-Swift (Time Traveler) to vanquish: 1 (Appears In Difficulty II, III)
Darth Meowers to exterminate: 3 (Appears In Difficulty III, the Ancient Fields)
Big Purrates to exterminate: 5
Big Toxicats to exterminate: 3
Nappy Tomcats to exterminate: 3000
Bombermeows to exterminate: 20
Great Beauty (Time Traveler) to vanquish: 1 (Appears In Difficulty II, III)
Big Purrings to exterminate: 5
Toxicats to exterminate: 10000
Purrurrings to exterminate: 10000
Clear Difficulty II 1 time
Have a shield of 500
Mammons to exterminate: 10
Rockies to exterminate: 200
Purrurrings to exterminate: 500
Clear the Ancient Fields/Nightmare as Great Beauty
Have a max HP of 1,000
Angerrings/Devirrings to exterminate: 500
Devil Rockies to exterminate: 3000
Big Nappy Tomcats to exterminate: 5
Purrings to exterminate: 1000
Devil Rockies to exterminate: 1000
Big Purrurrings to exterminate: 5
Purrates to exterminate: 20
Clear the Ancient Fields/Nightmare as T-Swift
Times to kick the bucket: 10
Devil Rockies to exterminate: 8000
Angerrings/Devirrings to exterminate: 3000
Clear the Ancient Fields/Nightmare as Miss Shirker
Purrates to exterminate: 50
Clear the Ancient Fields/Nightmare as Darth Meower
Big Nappy Tomcats to exterminate: 1
Mammons to exterminate: 100
Purrurrings to exterminate: 1000
Nappy Tomcats to exterminate: 10000
Nappy Tomcats to exterminate: 1000
Clear the Ancient Fields/Nightmare as Agent Dee
Clear the Ancient Fields/Nightmare as Porky
Angerrings/Devirrings to exterminate: 200
Synergies to unlock: 4
Exterminate 5,000 foes in a single game
Clear the Ancient Fields/Nightmare as Nameless Hero
Rockies to exterminate: 3000
Big Purrates to exterminate: 1
Times to kick the bucket: 3
Big Rockies to exterminate:5
Big Purrates to exterminate: 3
Synergies to unlock: 30
Clear the Ancient Fields/Nightmare as Doggo
Big Toxicats to exterminate: 5
Clear the Ancient Fields/Nightmare as Mr. Tea
Purrates to exterminate: 2000
Times to kick the bucket: 20
Doggo (Time Traveler) to vanquish: 1 (Appears In Difficulty II, III)
Acquire all skins
Purrings to exterminate: 10000
Purrings to exterminate: 5000
Rockies to exterminate: 5000
Mammons to exterminate: 50
Big Angerrings/Devirrings to exterminate: 3
Miss Shirker (Time Traveler) to vanquish: 1 (Appears In the Ancient Fields)
Devil Rockies to exterminate: 20000
Synergies to unlock: 54
Bombermeows to exterminate: 500
Angerrings/Devirrings to exterminate: 10000
Clear the Ancient Fields 1 time
Big Nappy Tomcats to exterminate: 3
Toxicats to exterminate: 500
Big Toxicats to exterminate: 1
Toxicats to exterminate: 3000
Toxicats to exterminate: 200
Clear Difficulty III 1 time
Times to kick the bucket: 7
Purrates to exterminate: 500
Purrurrings to exterminate: 3000
Mammons to exterminate: 30
Times to kick the bucket: 5
Porky (Time Traveler) to vanquish: 1 (Appears In Difficulty III, the Ancient Fields)
Purrings to exterminate: 3000
Agent Dee (Time Traveler) to vanquish: 1 (Appears In Difficulty III, the Ancient Fields)
Angerrings/Devirrings to exterminate: 1000
Nappy Tomcats to exterminate: 200
Big Purrings to exterminate: 3
Rockies to exterminate: 1000
Big Purrurrings to exterminate: 3
Mr. Tea (Time Traveler) to vanquish: 1 (Appears In Difficulty III, the Ancient Fields)
Toxicats to exterminate: 1000
Big Rockies to exterminate:3
Synergies to unlock: 10
Have a mouse with a Synergy pick up 233 coins. Greed is good.
Link with Mr. Tea and save everyone with a single skill.
Snappy Bobcat Casting a skill reverts you back to your original appearance.
Link with Miss Shirker and maintain a skill until its cooldown ends.
Link with the Great Beauty and do not get caught up by any pursuers within a single skill use.
Link with the Nameless Hero and get killed by his own dog.
Link with Porky and fart for 1 consecutive minute.
Link with T-Swift and kick 15 monsters in a single attempt.
Link with Doggo and eat 20 red turds in a single round.
Link with Darth Meower and die during the skill's duration.
Link with Agent Dee and accumulate 300 Gold with your skills in a single round.
Clear the Ancient Fields/Nightmare as Snappy Bobcat.
Clear the Ancient Fields/Nightmare as Foxy Lady.