Kill 10 infestors
Welcome desperate refugees.
Discover GlobalSat research. I CAN SEE MY HOUSE!!!
Attack an oil well or a refinery
You have let your whole family getting killed. Glad I am no part of it!
Complete the vaccine research
Did you really trigger a zombie apocalypse just for fun? You monster!
Kill 100 millions zombies in a game
Destroy 5 bandit camps
Win a game with your family still alive. You will have to wait a bit longer to inherit
Playing as North Korea, invade Seoul
Attack neutral refugees
Win the game as Greenland. Big respect!
Launch a multiplayer game in cooperation mode. Don't forget to blame the others if you fail!
Completing all tech trees. That means all your scientists are now jobless
Playing as South Korea, invade Pyongyang
Kill every zombies on earth. I'm pretty sure we could write a lot of books about that!
The tutorial is complete. Now it's time to prove your value
Playing as the United Kingdom, invade Paris
Sending an ambulance to help a neighbour. Let's hope that they will return the favor.
Playing as Russia, invade Kiev
Send an infestor, an agent or a hook on another player during a multiplayer game
Playing as Ukraine, invade Moscow
Launch a multiplayer game in PVP mode. Are you ready to lose your friends?
Playing as China, invade Taipei
Playing as France, invade London
Using a hook, bring a zombie horde on a foreign target. You are on a highway to hell.
You are the only country that remains. The right soundtrack now is "Under Pressure"
Playing as United Kingdom, invade Washington, D.C.
The patient zero is from Wuhan
Take resources from a destroyed bandit camp
Bringing some refugees in Antartica. If a writer comes here, that would make an awesome scenario!
Playing as Taiwan, invade Beijing
The patient zero was from your country! Seriously??
Send an agent to a foreign target. Social media will be lit!
Win the game as South Africa
Win the game by playing as the USA. Just like every Hollywood movie ever
Send an infestor on a foreign target. So you are that kind of people?
Sign mutual support pacts with 4 nations
Kill 20 million zombies with a single nuclear strike. Now that's literally a Monster kill!!