Complete intro
Complete chapter 1
You cheated death as Captain Paul
You have transferred knowledge from one life to another for the first time
You couldn't save Wilhelm
Complete chapter 7
You have avoided bloodshed
You cheated fate the first time
Complete chapter 9
You got to Ratmir by a shortcut
You have grabbed fate by the throat
You fought a ulan who came out of nowhere
Complete chapter 6
Complete chapter 5
You have received the first item
You didn't go after what the Black Knight was
You won your first victory over the rebels
You did a real investigation
Complete chapter 2
Complete chapter 4
The governor has turned into a beautiful tapestry
Complete chapter 3
You found the lever and closed the gate
Korina reunited with her family
Complete chapter 10
Your friend died like a real soldier
You followed Godric's advice and organized an offense
You let Falco die at the hands of Korina
You have completed the story without romance
You saw how Wilhelm lost his head
You have become a lord and prisoner of dark power
You have defeated the self-appointed "general"
You let Ignatz protect you with a dubious method
You escaped from Shemergard, leaving Rayon alone with his curse
You have fought the ghosts and won
Rickard and You broke out of your confinement
You have carried out a military coup
You refused to choose, and in doing so you forced the Overlord to intervene
You tried to the end to save Antony
You escaped from Shemergard and forgave Rayon
You got close to Godric Trench
You sacrificed yourself for others
You met an underground cat
Come to court without wasting time
You have found that the same methods do not always work
You saved old Giuseppe's daughter
You became close to Korina von Eisenwald
You went to the past and came back to future
You followed Korina's advice and organized the defense
You killed the rebel captain
You accused the prosecutor right in court
You got the right information and didn't overdo it
You saved Inquisitor Albert's soul by betraying him alive at the stake
Complete chapter 8