Win your first fight
Win against another boxer of a higher Tier
Use clock out to advance time by 7 days in one usage
Customize a Boxer
Land a critical hit to knock down the opponent
Have three different skills on a single boxer
Reach 10 rounds and win
Dodge all of the opponent’s punches in a single round and win
Win one hundred fights
End a fight in a draw
Upgrade all facilities to its maximum level
Reach 10 rounds and lose
Dodge all of the opponent’s punches for the entire match and win
Learn a skill from Skill Training
Knock down the opponent in the first round
Reach 10 rounds in a match without getting winded
Recruit the maximum amount of boxers
Reach World Class Tier
Participate in at least one fight a day for seven days
Reach Silver Tier
Win a fight against a World Class opponent without any trinket equipped
Finish the Sugar, The Story Scenario
Finish the Brockton Bomber Scenario
Finish the Family Feud Scenario
Finish the Uppercuts & Snowglobes Scenario
Win after knocking out the opponent with the first punch that connects
Reach the maximum amount in one stat
Reach World Class Tier with more than one boxer
Complete all Scenarios
Finish the Becoming Respectively Scenario
Reach Day 365
Reach World Class Tier without losing
Obtain a Masterwork Trinket
Finish the Women's Boxing Pioneer Scenario
Restore a boxer's Energy to full and Stress to zero using a facility before taking part in a fight on the same day
Upgrade the Gym to its maximum level
Earn a total of $1,000,000.00
Upgrade the Clinic to its maximum level
Finish the "The Man in the Arena" Scenario
Dodge none of the opponent’s punches and win
Hire one of each kind of staff
Reach Bronze Tier
Defeat a boxer that you used to manage
Experience all events
Advertise a fight
Upgrade the Lounge to its maximum level
Reach Novice Tier
Gain at least one trinket of each type
Obtain at least one Masterwork trinket of each type
Reach 100 Reputation
Have the maxmimum amount in one stat, and the minimum in another
Finish the Scrappy Entrepreneur Scenario
Reach Gold Tier
Knock out an opponent while they are winded