Boss Killer 1
Gain 10 star
5000 dead Armor Ape!
First ape is done. Lets kill the others.
Sell 50 towers
100 tower upgraded
Sell 1000 towers
50 dead Armor Ape!
Thanks for the support.
Sell 100 towers
Boss Killer 100
Wow its huge! You killed 1000 ape.
1000 dead Armor Ape!
50 runner couldn't hide from you!
1000 runner couldn't hide from you!
5000 runner couldn't hide from you!
Gain 50 star
You are better than ape!
1000 tower upgraded
10000 dead ape. What an animal-lover!
Gain 90 star
Boss Killer 1000
Gain 20 star
10000 tower upgraded
You are better than human!
You are better than us!