Get your first egg
Played for one hour on a single save
Raise an elf to a toddler
Find the fishing minigame
Hatch your first elf egg
Defeat the Frog Lord
Played for ten hours
Finish all the timeless dungeons
Tell the fairy queen no
Defeat the Green Knight
Read the Fairy Guidebook from cover to cover
Defeat the Xeno Lord
Launch into space
Find the timeless dungeons
Raise an elf to adulthood
Go on a quest with a companion
Played for one hundred hours on a single save
Defeat the Bird Lord
Reach the top of Tall Tall mountain
Find the potion minigame
Defeat the Green Lord
Played for twenty four hours on a single save
Defeat the Rex Champ
Find the mining minigame
Get kicked back to the main menu
Break your first elf egg