Click 1 time
Click 10 times
Produce 100 Stella per second
Produce 1 Stella per second
Obtain 5 Stella's Fragment in total
Click 100 times
Produce 1000 Stella per second
Play 3 hours before Ragnarok
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Obtain 10 Stella's Fragment in total
Play 4 hours before Ragnarok
Produce 10 Stella before Ragnarok
Produce 100000000 Stella before Rag
Obtain 5 Fruit of Life in total
Play 2 hours before Ragnarok
Play 12 hours before Ragnarok
Produce 10000000000000000 Stella be
Produce 1000000000 Stella per secon
Produce 1000 Stella before Ragnarok
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Faced Ragnarok for 1 time
Obtain 7 Fruit of Life in total
Obtain 9 Fruit of Life in total
Obtain 10 Fruit of Life in total
Click 1000000 clicks
Produce 100000000000000000 Stella p
Obtain 1 Fruit of Life in total
Obtain 5 Bifrost's Fragment in total
Obtain 15 Fruit of Life in total
Click 10000 times
Faced Ragnarok for 5 time
Play YGGDRASILL for a total of 100
Obtain 20 Fruit of Life in total
Faced Ragnarok for 4 time
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Obtain 25 Fruit of Life in total
Faced Ragnarok for 2 time
Play YGGDRASILL for a total of 48 h
Obtain 3 Fruit of Life in total
Produce 1000000000 Stella before Ra
Faced Ragnarok for 10 time
Obtain 20 Stella's Fragment in total
Play YGGDRASILL for a total of 10 h
Obtain 30 Fruit of Life in total
Obtain 3 Stella's Fragment in total
Play 72 hours before Ragnarok
Play 48 hours before Ragnarok
Faced Ragnarok for 3 time
Produce 1000000000000 Stella before
Obtain 10 Bifrost's Fragment in total
Click 100000 times
Produce 1000000000000000000000000 S
Obtain 30 Stella's Fragment in total
Produce 1000000000000 Stella per se
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Obtain 10 Stella's Fragment in totaObtain 50 Stella's Fragment in total
Obtain 20 Bifrost's Fragment in total
Play 0.5 hours before Ragnarok
Play YGGDRASILL for a total of 200
Faced Ragnarok for 15 time
Play 24 hours before Ragnarok
Produce 10000000000000 Stella per s
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Play 96 hours before Ragnarok
Play YGGDRASILL for a total of 300
Produce 10000 Stella per second
Obtain 30 Bifrost's Fragment in total
Click 10000000 times
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Play YGGDRASILL for a total of 400
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Click 100000000 times
Play YGGDRASILL for a total of 500
Play YGGDRASILL for a total of 5 ho
Produce 100000 Stella per second
Produce 100000000000000000 Stella p
Click 10000000000 clicks
Obtain 10 Bifrost's Fragment in totObtain 50 Bifrost's Fragment in total
Click 10000000000000 times
Produce 10000000000000000 Stella pe
Click 1000000000 times
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Play YGGDRASILL for a total of 1 ho
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Obtain 3 Bifrost's Fragment in total
Obtain 1 Bifrost's Fragment in total
Obtain 1 Stella's Fragment in total
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of
Play YGGDRASILL for a total of 24 h
Produce 10000000 Stella per second
Click 1000 times
Produce 1000000 Stella per second
Produce 100000000 Stella per secon
Reach a total Holy Spirit level of