• You hit level 5

    You are geting better

  • Craft 50 items

    Getting way better at Crafting

  • Build 10 items

    You are geting better at Building

  • You have kill 5 animals

    DO you feel good

  • Craft 10 items

    Getting better at Crafting

  • kill 50 animals

    You are rude to animal life

  • Craft 150 items

    Excellent crafter

  • Main level

    You have hit the main world

  • Hit level 100

    You are the greatest to ever lived

  • Complete all Achievements

    You have Complete all Achievements

  • kill 150 animals

    You are evil

  • kill 1'000 animals

    You exterminated all the animals on island

  • Build 50 items

    You are geting good at Build

  • Explore cave

    Exploring caves of fun

  • You have kill 10 animals

    Are you good

  • You hit level 20

    You are geting good

  • Build 500 items

    You are becoming a pro at building

  • Hit level 50

    You are becoming a pro

  • TitleTypeRelease date