Unlocked President Thompson
Unlocked Commander Video
Purchased Tactical Gear Cosplay Costume
Purchase Cutscene Theatre
Complete the Lost Levels
Find the Key of Serpentis
Purchased Asano Armor Cosplay Costume
Unlocked Zombie
Unlocked Jim Hawkins
Purchased Tattered Gi Cosplay Costume
Unlocked Nyx
Unlocked Curly Brace
Complete the Golden Temple
Unlocked Tina Hawkins
Complete Antarctica
Unlocked Sugimoto
Collect all golden skulls
Complete the Tower of Nannar
Unlocked Juni
Purchased Red Armor Cosplay Costume
Purchased Ninja Gi Cosplay Costume
Unlock every character and costume
Complete every stage of the main game as Aban Hawkins with a cumulative time of less than 30 minutes
Purchased Thompsoncare
Unlocked El Testigo