Simultaneously kill 3 or more enemy units with one skill
Clear the game using the Knight
Defeat a wave of enemies without moving
Deal 10 or more damage with a single skill
Clear the game while being at maximum movement count
Clear the game while being at full health
Clear the game without enhancing any skills
Refresh 10 times consecutively at the blacksmith or merchant
Clearing without deleting any skill
Possess 20 relics
Advance 10 levels while playing as the Elf
Clear the game using the Undead
Possess 10 strength
Clear the game with no more than three relics equipped
Inflict 50 stacks of poison on an enemy target
Advance 10 levels while playing as the Knight
Have 50 shields
Advance 10 levels while playing as the undead
In a battle, kill 5 or more enemy units with poison
Clear the game using the Elf
Possess 100 or more gold coins
Inflict 20 stacks of freeze on an enemy target
Clear the game with no more than four skills equipped
Have 20 or more maximum health
Clear the game without using any auxiliary skills