风流公子romantic young man

  • Bruiser

    Learn Talent 【Invincible】

  • Like Wind

    Attribute QingShen Attains 50

  • Stage Yunshang Clear

    Complete Main Chapter 2

  • Swordsman

    Learn Talent 【Max Dexterity】

  • Wealth

    Gift 20 times

  • Stage Anfeng Clear

    Complete Main Chapter 1

  • Hermit

    Learn Talent 【Fast Thunder】

  • Wisest Fool

    Learn Talent 【Original Nature】

  • Warmheartedness

    Renown above 90

  • Stage Tianjian Clear

    Complete Main Chapter 4

  • Full Ear

    Attribute QiLi Attains 50

  • Stage Jianmeng Clear

    Complete Main Chapter 3

  • Idle

    Travel 20 times

  • True love-Snow

    Unlock the side ending 【Enjoy Of The Clouds】

  • Like Water

    Attribute NeiXi Attains 50

  • True love-Jade

    Unlock the side ending 【Shining Jade】

  • Rise

    All Attribute Attains 100

  • True love-Joy

    Unlock the side ending 【Juice Is Full】

  • Master

    Learn Talent 【Pure Fire】

  • Strong Heart

    Attribute GanZhi Attains 50

  • True love-Snow and Joy

    Unlock the side ending 【Two Blessings】

  • The Great Playboy

    Unlock the side ending 【The Great Playboy】

  • Kill it all

    Unlock the main ending 【Fire In The Lakes】

  • Horse trod on the snow

    Unlock the main ending 【Flying General】

  • Crane forgot anything

    Unlock the main ending 【Live Freely】

  • Bad Boy

    Renown below 20

  • Thousand Tempered

    Attribute GenGu Attains 50

  • It's Too Painful!!!

    Unlock the side ending 【It's Too Painful!!!】

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  • TitlePublish date