24H Stories: The Cabin In The Forest

  • 思想者 | The Thinker

    完成第二个玩具的所有游戏. | Complete all games of the second toy.

  • 坏结局: 我可以在这里睡上一整天! | Bad Ending: I Could Sleep Here All Day!

    未成功逃离木屋. | Failed to escape the cabin.

  • 我可没邀请你们! | I Didn't Invite You!

    在生日派对上存活下来. | Survive the birthday party.

  • 兔子会吃人 | The Rabbit Will Eat People

    完成第三个玩具的所有游戏. | Complete all games of the third toy.

  • 别哭了! | Do Not Cry!

    完成第一个玩具的所有游戏. | Complete all games of the first toy.

  • 好结局: 你也是户外主播吗? | Good Ending: Are You an Outdoor Streamer Too?

    成功逃离木屋. | Successfully escaped the cabin.

  • 隐藏结局: 森林火灾 | Hidden Ending: Forest Fire

    成功逃离木屋并解锁有关木屋的所有秘密. | Successfully escaped the cabin and unlocked all secrets about the cabin.

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