Sonic Games - Get 500 rings
Golden Axe - Use Magic When No Enemies are Present
Dynamite Headdy - Defeat the Robo Collector
Sonic The Hedgehog - Collect all 6 Chaos Emeralds
Complete 1 Challenge
Toejam and Earl - Dance the Hula
Golden Axe 3 - Max out your magic
Space Harrier 2 - Reach a Score of 5,000,000
Shinobi 3 - Get a Shinobi bonus (complete a level without throwing a shuriken)
Play 50 games
Columns - Gain a high score of at least 5000 on easy
Streets of Rage 3 - Finish the game on Normal or Hard difficulty
Shadow Dancer - Complete the first two stages without using magic
Toejam and Earl - Find the Secret Island
Play 20 Games
Golden Axe Games - Collect 200 magic
Shining Force - Make it to Alterone
Alex Kidd - Win 50 Games of Rock, Paper, Scissors
Sonic Spinball - Collect all 3 Chaos Emeralds
Golden Axe 2- Kill 25 enemies by throwing/knocking them off the environment in a single play through
Sonic 2 - Finish Emerald Hills with 5 Lives
Streets of Rage - Get to the final boss without using a continue
Complete 10 Challenges
All Challenges Complete
Alien Soldier - Use 4 Different Weapon Modes in one Session
The Revenge of Shinobi
DLCPhantasy Star 3
DLCDynamite Headdy
DLCBeyond Oasis
DLCGolden Axe 3
DLCPhantasy Star 2
DLCStreets of Rage 3
DLCPhantasy Star 4
DLCVectorman 2
DLCWonder Boy in Monster World
DLCToejam and Earl in Panic on Funkotron
DLCStreets of Rage
DLCAlien Soldier
DLCToejam and Earl
DLCShining Force 2
DLCGunstar Heroes
DLCShining Force
DLCStreets of Rage 2
DLCShining in the Darkness
DLCWonder Boy III - Monster Lair
DLCLight Crusader
DLCAlien Storm
DLCColumns III
DLCEcco The Tides of Time
DLCVirtua Fighter 2
DLCDecap Attack
DLCBio-Hazard Battle
DLCSword of Vermillion
DLCGolden Axe II
DLCFatal Labyrinth
DLCGalaxy Force II
DLCSonic Spinball
DLCDr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
DLCEcco Jr.
DLCBonanza Bros
DLCKid Chameleon
DLCEternal Champions
DLCSuper Thunder Blade
DLCAlex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
DLCSonic 3D Blast
DLCShadow Dancer
DLCCrack Down
DLCGain Ground
DLCGolden Axe
DLCSpace Harrier II
DLCShinobi 3
DLCEcco the Dolphin
DLCComix Zone
DLCAltered Beast