Make it through the first season in your new home.
Achieve maximum livestock capacity in the barn.
Add a second story to your humble homestead.
Catch 6 different types of fish around town.
Complete the lengthy secondhand trade chain.
Help Wake and River return to the village.
Greet every resident in town.
Fill your kitchen with every tool and appliance.
Help Fable return to the village.
Establish your first true friendship in Sugar Blossom.
Win over your first Feral Shade.
Purchase your very first barnyard animal.
Land the mythical Banded Amberjack.
Ship an impressive amount of goods in one day.
Place first in the summer LockBall Tournament.
Arrive in your new home in Sugar Blossom Village.
Discover the rose rabbit's tasty secret.
Calm the mayor's throat with a homemade dish.
Catch all 28 Dusk Hoppers.
Marry your sweetheart in front of all your friends.
Celebrate your one year anniversary since moving to town.
Raise your LockBall skills to their maximum.
Renew true life and spirit in Sugar Blossom Village.
Strengthen tolerance with 10 alcoholic beverages.
Watch every episode of Prophecy Quest.
Befriend and bring home a grateful kitten.
Ship 100 homegrown crops out to market.
Acquire every available hue of parchment.
Help Trixie and Ellie return to the village.
Help Siloh return to the village.