Awarded for destroying 1 heathen idol.
Awarded for destroying a trinity of idols.
Awarded for vanquishing 1000 enemies during a campaign.
Awarded for resuming a mission.
Awarded for defeating an ultra-hostile planet guardian.
Awarded for securing Hewson Base by conquering its six neighbouring planets.
Awarded for conquering the planets at the most distant corners of the galaxy.
Awarded for completing basic simulation training.
Awarded for maxing out the Z-Exemplar's arsenal of weaponry.
Awarded for slaying 50 foes during a single conquest.
Awarded for logging 3 hours of mission time
Awarded for conquering a planet without firing a single shot.
Awarded for slaying an ultra-hostile planet guardian with only basic ship weapons.
Awarded for conquering 10 planets in sequence without a single death.
Awarded for defeating a planet guardian in battle.
Awarded for conquering 10 planets of a new galaxy.
Awarded for banking 200 or more Zogs from a successful conquest.
Awarded for conquering one of each planet type.