Finished the task:I Need Books and I Need Nothing
Finished the task:Wine!Wine!
Young men don't want to get married.(Finished the task: Reward)
Finished the task: Ruo Xue
Unlock every hero's hidden skills
Helped Fang Bai during Brothers Or Not.
Finished the Game.
For the true love,you must be honesty.(Spoke the truth during Hero&Beauty)
You will be a qualified parent.(Got equipment:Holy Beetle)
You know ,there is a mistake.(Fought with Xiao during Bandits'Road)
Beaten a thousand of enemise
I believe I can fly...(Got equipment: Bird symbol)
Game start,buddy.(Finished the task: Your Trip)
Finished the task: The First
Beaten the boss: Xiao Yao,Shang Jun,Kua Fu,Sword Spirit and Heaven Eye
Finished the task: Bandits'Road
Built every building on the Lonely Island and then upgraded them to max level
Helped Fang Hong during Brothers Or Not.
Built the Hall(lv.1) on the Lonely Island
Finished the task: THE PAST and Face to the past
No purchase no kill.(Guided wrong way during the task:Spirit of Nature )
Beaten every kind of enemy
Finished the task: Be chivalrous and Be a knight
Unlock every kind of support
Finished the task: Chess Mate
Got equipment: Chain Sword
Got equipment: Test Symbol and Test Ring, then upgraded them to max level
Finished the task: Authority&Right
Finished the task: Bard Nonsense,Right or Wrong and Faith&Honor
Finished the Game in eight hours.
You make a match.(Finished the task: Find People)