Kill 5 Heavies with takedowns.
Perform a takedown on a Blind Screamer.
Kill 3 enemies with one blast from a Preacher.
Earn a Gold Medal on any chapter.
Change your characters appearance, such as with a hat or costume.
Complete the weapon mastery for any weapon.
Complete 4 level sections without using a medkit.
Kill 20+ enemies with 1 explosive.
Kill a Suicider with his own explosives.
Drop a pallet of Artillery Shells on a Zombie.
Complete Dead Ahead on any difficulty.
Kill a friend who has resurrected as a zombie.
Complete All Roads Lead To Hell! on any difficulty.
Sever 10,000 limbs.
Complete Meat Locker on any difficulty.
Complete 12 consecutive Waves and escape from the Horde Map "Into the Darkness".
Complete Death Canal on any difficulty.
Headshot a Zombie post resurrection.
Kill a Zombie using the Blade Melee Special Attack.
Reach rank 5.
Complete Zombie Zoo on any difficulty.
Get 3 headshots with one bullet.
Kill all Zombie Hand collectibles.
Complete a level with 5 Gold Level Perks equipped.
Perform all Heroic Actions.
Complete Rotten Coast on any difficulty.
Kill 5000 enemies of any kind.
Complete the Campaign on Hard difficulty.
Finish a level with 5 or less zombies resurrecting.
Find all Journals, Comics, and hidden Weapon Upgrade Tokens.
Complete 12 consecutive Waves and escape from the Horde Map "Villa Della Morte".
Complete 12 consecutive Waves and escape from the Horde Map "The Bitter End".
Kill a Sniper whilst they are jumping between vantage points.
Complete the weapon mastery for 3 weapons.
Complete 12 consecutive Waves and escape from the Horde Map "Dead in the Water".
Complete 12 consecutive Waves and escape from the Horde Map "Caged Fear".
Complete Hell Base! on any difficulty.
Perform 50 Takedowns in total.
Survive 144 Waves in total.
Complete every campaign level with a full team of four players.
Revive other players 50 times.
Reach wave 6 on any Horde Map without picking up a Primary or Secondary weapon.
Complete Molten Nightmare on any difficulty.
Complete Hell Machine! on any difficulty.
Kill 50 Zombies in a row without missing a shot.
Complete 20 waves in a row on any Horde Map.
Reach rank 100.
Complete the Campaign on any difficulty.
Kill 20 zombies with Electric Punch Special Attack.
Get an unbroken 10-headshot streak.
Reach rank 50.
Kill 50 enemies that are actively attacking other players.
Complete 12 consecutive Waves and escape from the Horde Map "Graveyard Shift".
Complete 12 consecutive Waves and escape from the Horde Map "Frozen in Fear"
Complete Terminal Error on any difficulty.
Complete the Campaign on Nightmare difficulty.
Complete Blood Count on any difficulty.
Complete Ragnarök - Part II on any difficulty.
Complete Ragnarök - Part I on any difficulty.
Complete Terror Lab on any difficulty
Complete 12 Waves and escape from Horde Map 'Undead Wood'
Complete 12 consecutive Waves and escape from the Horde Map "Hell's Cauldron".
Complete 12 consecutive Waves and escape from the Horde Map "Death Collector".
Complete Dead Zeppelin on any difficulty.
Complete Deeper than Hell on any difficulty.
Complete Return to Hell on any difficulty.
Complete 12 consecutive Waves and escape from the Horde Map "Final Departure".
Complete Damnation Valley on any difficulty.
Complete Alpine Blitz on any difficulty.
Complete Abaddon Asylum on any difficulty.
Zombie Army 4: Josiah Detective Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Ragnarök Campaign & Character Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: Future Karl Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Ragnarök – Parts I & II
DLCZombie Army 4: Marie Lounge Singer Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Strange Brigade Headgear Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: Occult Karl Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Tarot Charm Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: Bandages Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Blowtorch Weapon Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: MAB 38 SMG Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Hermann Wolff Werner Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Zombie Wrapped Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Desert Rat Shola Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Story Charm Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: Mission 9 - Return to Hell
DLCZombie Army 4: Van Helsing Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Left 4 Dead Character Pack 2
DLCZombie Army 4: Horror Headgear Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: Flare Gun Weapon Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Horror Charm Pack 2
DLCZombie Army 4: WWII Headgear Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: WW1 Josiah Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Zombie Tank Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Mission 8 - Abaddon Asylum
DLCZombie Army 4: MP.1940 SMG Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Left 4 Dead Character Pack 1
DLCZombie Army 4: Undercover Marie Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Elemental Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Zombie Charm Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: Mission 7 - Terminal Error
DLCZombie Army 4: Zombie Headgear Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: Season Pass Three
DLCZombie Army 4: M1934 Pistol Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Crossbow Rifle Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Repeater Rifle Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: PPSH Submachine Gun Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Undercover Karl Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Bloodsoaked Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Berserker Boris Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: M1 Semi-auto Carbine Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: French Resistance Fighter Character
DLCZombie Army 4: Mortar Shotgun Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Gas Mask Headgear Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: SVT-38 Rifle Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Grease Gun SMG Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Mission 1 - Terror Lab
DLCZombie Army 4: Paratrooper Zombie Character
DLCZombie Army 4: Wrapping Paper Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Renegade Officer Character
DLCZombie Army 4: Carbon Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Toxic Hazard Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Afrika Karl Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Desert Damaged Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Mission 5 - Alpine Blitz
DLCZombie Army 4: Sports Charm Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: Solid Gold Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Molten Lava Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Black Ice Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Flags Charm Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: Holiday Season Headgear Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Mission 4 - Damnation Valley
DLCZombie Army 4: Bucket Headgear Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Bomb Lance Shotgun Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Undead Airman Character
DLCZombie Army 4: Lone Wolf Jun Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Mission 2 - Blood Count
DLCZombie Army 4: Shotgun Pistol Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: American Sea Captain Character
DLCZombie Army 4: Wehrmacht P08 Pistol Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Halloween Headgear Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Sten MK2 SMG Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Armoured Giant Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Armour Plated Shola Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: M1903 Springfield Rifle Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Night Ops Jun Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Horror Charm Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: 7.65mm Polizeipistole Pistol Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Nagant M1895 Pistol Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Holiday Season Charm Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: Season Pass Two
DLCZombie Army 4: Mission 3 - Deeper than Hell
DLCZombie Army 4: FG-42 Automatic Rifle Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Halloween Charm Pack
DLCZombie Army 4: Crossbow Pistol Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Lee No. 4 Bolt-Action Rifle Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Occult Ritual Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Classic Sports Headgear Bundle
DLCZombie Army 4: Season Pass One
DLCZombie Army 4: Zombie Gentleman Dress Uniform Character
DLCZombie Army 4: Holiday Weapon Skins
DLCZombie Army 4: Classic Boris Outfit
DLCZombie Army 4: Mission 6 - Dead Zeppelin