Completely fill a feeding trough with your zoo keeper.
Generate a monthly profit of 5.000.
Hold 100 happy king penguins in your park.
Achieve a park value of 500.000.
Have 250 happy visitors in the park.
Hold a happy gorilla family with a happy baby
Make a cougar happy.
Breed 300 animals.
Have a park with 500 rain trees.
Make a gazelle happy.
Breed 10 tiger babies.
Achieve a deposit of 1.000.000.
Achieve park level of 6 stars.
Get 1000 kg of green fodder in your green fodder production stores.
Have 200 happy animals in your park.
Have 30 happy animal species in the park.
Generate a monthly service facility profit of 3.000.
Generate monthly entry fees of 2.000.
Breed a pinkspotted hippo.
Sell 10 completely happy polar bear babies.