Make a dumb mistake.
Wrench the same bot 20 times.
Fabricate a shuttlecraft but do not leave the station.
Reach the Shuttlebay with fewer than 10,000 mischief points.
Hop on 100 bots.
"Open" every cloister drum on the station.
Fabricate the Wrench on Level 1 and reach the shuttlebay without wrenching a single bot.
Reach the shuttlebay without collecting a single Widget.
Earn 617,354 mischief points.
Earn 260,978 mischief points.
Earn 432,012 mischief points.
Try on every pair of socks.
Wrench 100 bots.
Earn every other achievement.
Earn 1,000,000 mischief points.
Complete a game without earning any achievements.
Destroy all five shuttlecraft.
Destroy a fabricator on each level of the station.
Open every door that requires Key's Card.
Access the entire Expeditiopedia.
Net 100 bots.
Fabricate all five shuttlecraft.
Reach the shuttlebay in 0;40;00.0 or less.