Finish a Giant Slalom even though you missed 3 gates or more.
Reach 100 km/h or more in luge.
You came first in the Iron Cup Competition!
Place all your Curling stones in one set better than your opponent.
You came first in the Wood Cup Competition!
Be first on all Luge courses.
You came first in the Bronze Cup Competition!
You came first in the Silver Cup Competition!
Be first on all Downhill courses.
You came first in the Gold Cup Competition!
Fly more than 125 metres in one single Ski Jump.
Kick overall more than 50 opponent stones out of the house in Curling.
Master every Giant Slalom Track at least once without missing a gate.
Master a single run without any collision (bobsled and luge).
Land 50 ski jumps by Telemark.
Be first on all Giant Slalom courses.
Be first on all Bobsled courses.